Deer Creek Structures

Britain’s Follyfoot Horses [Video]

The first day of the year has come and gone, and the entire world is ready to move forward with 2014. The New Year promises to be a progressive one, and here at Deer Creek Structures we hope that means more people will better understand the depth of our connection with God’s creations.

The horse, one of God’s gentlest yet most powerful creatures, is perhaps one of the clearest examples of our ability to connect with the many animals in our domain. As any horse trainer or caring owner can tell you, horses have an innate way of understanding human emotion and even reacting to it.

Follyfoot is a British social enterprise operating out of the Buckinghamshire town of High Wycombe. Like so many of the other equine therapy programs we’ve discussed on this blog, Follyfoot is dedicated to help those with mental, emotional or behavioral issues. However, this article published by The Guardian Professional discusses the horse’s activities in a way that shows how horses feed off our own behaviors.

“If we work with a troubled teenager who is acting very angry, the horse will run off,” Follyfoot co-founder Claire Friend was quoted as saying in the above article. By communicating with horses and gaining their trust, a troubled individual can see how their actions affects other living things without having to deal with the difficulties of verbal communication. Even Claire herself, who began the service because of her own medical issues, has found her connection with horses to be personally fulfilling and beneficial in many ways.

A horse is not an unfeeling creature that simply eats and sleeps. These caring creatures are well-known for offering up their loyalty to those who care for them the deepest. If you’re looking for a better way to care for and shelter your equine friends, call Deer Creek Structures. We build horse barns and sheds that will keep your horse sheltered with dignity and care.

*Video courtesy of AmeDotSplodge

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