Are you thinking about changing your horse’s diet? If so, it’s important for you to do it as gradually as possible to prevent problems. Research has shown a definitive link between diet changes and certain types of health conditions like colic, so you should resist the urge to simply switch your horse’s diet altogether and… Read more »
Tag: Portable Horse Barns
Winter Horse Care Tips
Winter is coming, and although Texas has relatively mild winter temperatures, you will need to make adjustments to the care you provide your horses as the season changes. Deer Creek Structures strongly recommends making seasonal changes to help you and your horse better face the winter season together. Stock Up On Winter Horse Essentials Food… Read more »
Horsie See, Horsie Do? Selective Copying in Horse Behaviors
Both children and adults alike copy the behavior of others in some way or another. For example, the brain of a child is like a sponge – it soaks up and absorbs actions they see others do and what they hear others say. Sure enough, what they see something that you or someone else does,… Read more »
Benefits of Cypress Siding
Buying a barn or shed is an investment not only to improve your property, but also to improve the quality of life for your animals. As an investment, you want the building to look good and last for a long time. Many of the sheds and barns that Deer Creek Structures builds feature cypress board… Read more »
Protecting Your Horse in Winter
It seemed that much of the country experienced warmer than average temperatures to close out 2015. That meant your horses were able to enjoy more of the outdoors than they are usually accustomed to experiencing. However, that has changed, as Winter Storm Jonas (also known as Snowzilla) ripped through multiple states across the Mid-Atlantic United… Read more »
Wild Horses in the American Rangelands
It’s like something out of an end of the world book or movie – wild horses roaming the Western rangelands—Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, and South Dakota—of the United States. This isn’t a small of horses, not by any stretch of the imagination – we’re talking 31,000 wild horses! The situation has gotten so out… Read more »
How to Avoid Riding Injuries
It’s happened to all of us at least once or twice, if not more. We’ve fallen off of our horses. But just because you fall doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get back on. And more importantly, falling off of a horse doesn’t need to end in a serious injury. If you take the proper precautions, you… Read more »
Keeping Your Stables Clean
No matter what type of stables you have on your property, keeping them clean is a must for both you and your horses. Not only can a messy stable lead to a dirty horse and rider, keeping the area clean is vital when it comes to you’re the health of your horses. If the area… Read more »
The Importance of Winter Horse Shelters
Making sure you have the proper sheds or stables for your horses is always important, and that is never truer than during the winter season. Throughout the coldest months of the year you should be especially aware of the shelter your horse does, or doesn’t have. If you find your current shelter isn’t enough, it… Read more »
New York Horse Sanctuary Struggles to Remain Open
There are several conservatory lands and sanctuaries located around the world that are designed to protect and care for a wide variety of animals. Such a thing as horse sanctuaries even exist and, unfortunately, one on Long Island, NY is in danger of being shut down. The Twin Oaks Horse Sanctuary has been a home… Read more »