How You Know It’s Time to Upgrade Your Barn

With the strong desire to preserve historic barns nowadays, it can be challenging to determine if you really need an upgrade. If your barn is looking drab, it’s likely time for a change! Your barn should never be more trouble than what it’s worth, so it’s best to detect these signs early before it becomes… Read more »

4 Common Myths About Horseback Riding: Debunked

Being a part of the horse community is a deeply rewarding experience. Horseback riding, in particular, offers a wide range of benefits for your physical, mental, and social health. Unfortunately, there are a lot of misconceptions out there about what horseback riding is actually like. That’s why we thought it was important to set the… Read more »

How to Choose the Best Location for Your New Horse Barn

So you’ve decided on a new horse barn, but where do you put it? Choosing the right location for your barn is important for creating a functional, safe, and aesthetically pleasing environment for your horses and property. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting the best spot for your barn. Proximity to Essential… Read more »

The Aisle vs. Shed Row Barn: Which One Is Right for Me?

Choosing the right home for your horses is essential for guaranteeing your animals a happy and healthy life! Researching the right barn can be confusing if you’re a new horse owner or a veteran needing a refresh. There’s a lot of information out there that can easily overwhelm someone trying to make such an important… Read more »

How A Barn Can Boost the Value of Your Property

Whether you plan to sell your home soon or simply want to increase its market value, making continuous improvements to your property is key. One cost-effective way to enhance your property’s value without undertaking major renovations is by adding a portable, freestanding shedrow or aisle barn to your backyard. In addition to enjoying the benefits… Read more »

Planning Your Horse Barn Layout for Maximum Efficiency

Whether setting up a new horse barn or renovating an existing one, planning every detail can save you time, money, and effort in the long run. A functional layout can also improve the overall well-being of your horses by providing a clean, safe, and accessible environment. Here are a few key considerations for planning your… Read more »

What is Equine Therapy: An Overview

If you’re familiar with horses, you already know what incredible creatures they are. So, it is no surprise that medical professionals have recognized the many physical and psychological benefits individuals experience when building a relationship with one. In fact, there’s a therapy that strategically uses the synergy between humans and horses to change the lives of… Read more »

A Closer Look at Working Horses

Before major machinery innovations such as automobiles, tractors, and threshers, the American people relied on horses for much of their labor needs. While it’s more common to associate horses with hobby-like activities nowadays, they have remained important members of the working world! Let’s look at a few ways these impressive creatures contribute to modern-day society… Read more »

4 Budgeting Tips for Horse Owners

Owning a horse is a fun and rewarding experience for animal lovers. Of course, as a horse owner, it’s important to ensure your horse receives consistent, quality care to keep it happy and healthy. It can be a rather expensive endeavor after factoring in food, satisfactory housing, boarding, and cleaning supplies, veterinary bills, and the other… Read more »

Prevent Horses from Getting Summer Sores

Summer brings with it not just warmth and sunshine but also a few challenges for horse owners, particularly the risk of summer sores. These sores, medically called habronemiasis, are skin lesions caused by the larvae of stomach worms, which flies carry. These parasites can create significant discomfort for horses and lead to infections if not… Read more »