Tag: Portable Run-In-Sheds

5 Advantages of a Portable Run-In Shed

When it comes to equine housing, the options are abundant—boarding facilities, aisle barns, shedrow barns, and run-in sheds. Choosing the right solution for you and your horse requires careful consideration of factors such as cost, functionality, and your horse’s specific needs. Portable run-in sheds stand out as a versatile and practical choice for many horse… Read more »

The Best Farm Animals to Raise for Beginners

If you are new to the farm or homestead life and want to start raising your own livestock, it can feel overwhelming at first. There are a variety of animals to choose from, and they all serve different purposes. First, you must decide what you want to gain from having livestock. Is it food, profit,… Read more »

Bedding Choices for Horses

Bedding is an important consideration for every horse owner. Wood shavings and straw are the mainstays, but there may be other options available in some areas. No matter what you choose, the purpose of bedding is to keep your horse dry, comfortable, healthy and safe. Need some guidance choosing the right bedding for your horses?… Read more »

Use Sheds to Provide Protection from the Elements

As a horse owner, no matter where you’re working, it is always important that you do what you can to protect yourself and your horse. If you’re looking for a way to do just that, then a few portable run-in sheds from Deer Creek Structures would be a great investment for you. Our sheds are… Read more »

NYC Horses and Bill de Blasio

When compassion is extended towards animals from their human caretakers, it forms a more perfect bond between us and God’s creation. Although many have held this responsibility as sacred throughout the centuries, man has sometimes taken advantage of our position as lord over the creatures that inhabit our world. Here at Deer Creek Structures, we… Read more »

The Benefits of a 12×24 Run-in Shed

Here at Deer Creek Structures, we’re always constructing new run-in sheds to provide shelter for horses all over the country. Recently, we just constructed a 12×24 run-in shed featuring large openings to let horses in and a mostly wooden construction for a natural appearance. That may sound like a large space, but when you have… Read more »

5 Benefits of a Run-In Shed

Today, we wanted to discuss some of the many benefits of a run-in shed.  Deer CreekStructures specializes in building custom run-in sheds in a range of different sizes.  Below are five advantages that horse owners can gain by selecting a run-in shed. 1)      They are easy to maintain. Since they aren’t as expansive as a… Read more »

Horse Run-in Sheds Offer Quality and Convenient Protection

For anyone who owns a horse, you know the delicate care and proper living conditions a horse needs for health and vibrancy. Not only does a horse need room to roam, a proper diet and grooming routine, they also need a comfortable place to rest and shield from weather conditions.   Aside from a stable… Read more »

Training Horses with Bad Attitudes

Equestrian enthusiasts are exactly that, enthusiastic about horses- all horses. Ideally, when starting, you would select a happy horse- ready for learning. However, life does not always take us down the roads we planned. You may meet a horse that needs a home, or a stubborn horse that trainers refused. When you love horses, it… Read more »

Why Do We Love Horses So Much?

Anyone that has ever owned a horse realizes what magnificent creatures that they truly are.  However, what exactly is it about horses that we love so much?  What characteristics make them our favorite animal?  Here is a list of 5 general reasons that explain why horse enthusiasts love their favorite animal so much. 1)      Beauty. … Read more »