Category: Horses

A Closer Look at Working Horses

Before major machinery innovations such as automobiles, tractors, and threshers, the American people relied on horses for much of their labor needs. While it’s more common to associate horses with hobby-like activities nowadays, they have remained important members of the working world! Let’s look at a few ways these impressive creatures contribute to modern-day society… Read more »

How to Prepare for a New Horse

Bringing home a new horse can be incredibly exciting. You’re counting down the days in anticipation, but don’t neglect the things you need to do to prepare for the arrival. While every animal is different, it can be difficult for a horse to adjust to a new home, especially if the proper preparations haven’t been… Read more »

3 Health Benefits of Owning a Horse

If you’re a horse lover, or just an animal lover in general, you probably don’t need another reason to add to your family of pets! There are some pretty positive health perks you might be interested to know though, when it comes to owning a horse. Check out three ways owning and caring for a… Read more »

The Truth Behind How Horses Learn

If you’re a horse owner, you probably think a lot about how to properly train your horses. In order to get your horses to behave the way you want them to, it’s a good idea to know a little bit about how horses learn. Desensitization Any horse owner will tell you that it can take… Read more »

How to Change Your Horse’s Feed

Are you thinking about changing your horse’s diet? If so, it’s important for you to do it as gradually as possible to prevent problems. Research has shown a definitive link between diet changes and certain types of health conditions like colic, so you should resist the urge to simply switch your horse’s diet altogether and… Read more »

Tips for First Time Horse Owners

Choosing to become a horse owner is an exciting decision that is incredibly rewarding. It is also a role that comes with an incredible amount of responsibility. There are many things to love about horse ownership, and caring for your own horse is an enriching experience without a doubt. If you are considering purchasing a… Read more »

Winter Horse Care Tips

Winter is coming, and although Texas has relatively mild winter temperatures, you will need to make adjustments to the care you provide your horses as the season changes. Deer Creek Structures strongly recommends making seasonal changes to help you and your horse better face the winter season together. Stock Up On Winter Horse Essentials Food… Read more »

Best Places to See Wild Horses

If you are traveling this summer and you’re hoping to get your horse fix along the way, consider stopping somewhere to see wild horses. Deer Creek Structures has scouted the best places in the United States to see wild horses, narrowing it down to four favorite spots. The Virginia Range, Nevada A top location to… Read more »

Danger of Buttercups to Horses

A horse’s perfect day is probably spent grazing out in the field. However, there are some dangers associated with grazing that could be very harmful to your horse, including buttercups. Many people are unaware that buttercups are toxic to horses and other livestock. The leaves and stems of buttercups contain ranunculin, which forms the toxic… Read more »

Getting Your Horse Ready for Spring

With warmer temperatures approaching, it’s time to start preparing your horse for the spring and summer season. Schedule a Veterinarian Appointment It is important to get your horse examined by a veterinarian before spring weather is in full swing. Mosquitoes start rising in the spring and many horses can get diseases from them if they… Read more »