Category: Horse Health

Prevent Horses from Getting Summer Sores

Summer brings with it not just warmth and sunshine but also a few challenges for horse owners, particularly the risk of summer sores. These sores, medically called habronemiasis, are skin lesions caused by the larvae of stomach worms, which flies carry. These parasites can create significant discomfort for horses and lead to infections if not… Read more »

Can Horses Have Allergies?

Most of us can agree that allergies are one of the more annoying and inconvenient health issues we have had to learn to deal with, especially during the changing seasons. You might wonder from time to time if your horse is susceptible to the same hypersensitive reactions that we are—and the answer is yes! While… Read more »

Tick Control in Horses: What You Need to Know

Taking your horse out for walks and rides and allowing them time to roam around your pasture is an essential aspect of horse care. Unfortunately, this time spent exploring outdoors leaves your horse vulnerable to a few additional health risks—and ticks are one of the worst! Educating yourself on the best tick prevention methods and… Read more »

Common Horse Diet Myths Busted

Equine nutrition is a complicated field that can lead to misconceptions about horse well-being. A proper diet is pivotal in maintaining a horse’s health and ensuring their strength, vitality, and overall happiness. Over the years, numerous myths have evolved, causing confusion and unintentional diet imbalances. This post aims to debunk some of the most prevalent… Read more »

Dietary Tips for Horses

Horses’ diets vary based on where they live in the country and what season it is. Depending on the climate, there could be some dangerous things for your horse to munch on. If you pay attention to what your horse consumes and ensure they avoid a few key things, they will feel great and perform… Read more »