Like people, animal immune systems battle germs and sickness on a daily basis. The immune system is like God’s shield meant to protect us from the world around us, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be cleaned every so often. Like everything God has given us, it needs to be maintained and taken care of. Your horse’s immune system is no different and you must keep a watchful eye on diseases that may bring it crumbling to the ground. Take, for example, the situation happening in Oregon, as reported by in this press report.
The site states, “Authorities confirmed a new case of equine herpesvirus-1 (EHV-1) in Oregon over the weekend, according to the Department of Agriculture. EHV-1 can cause respiratory disease, abortions in pregnant mares, neurologic disease, and in severe cases, death.”
This serious disease will cripple the horses that you love. While those stricken with EHV-1 are being quarantined, it is recommended that horse owners in Oregon practice strict biosecurity measures and hygiene if they travel to shows and competitions with their animals.
Despite this virus so far being relegated to Oregonians, we must keep in mind that many horses and horse owners travel state to state for showcases and fairs, so wherever you’re located maintain vigilance when it comes to the health of your horses.