Owning a horse farm is a great responsibility that should not be taken lightly. You need to invest your time and money into maintenance and updates to improve your property conditions. Doing so will not only extend the life and value of your farm but make the living conditions for your animals more comfortable.
Here are five ways to improve your horse property that will positively impact your land’s value and living conditions.

1.Manage Your Pasture
Taking the time to learn how grazing affects your pasture can help you improve it immensely. Rotational grazing is an excellent practice that allows the pasture to rest and gives manure enough time to break down. Let the grass recover up to 10 cm to protect valuable topsoil. Using suitable fertilization can extend both the quality and quantity of your pasture.
2.Maintain Your Fence Line
Check for fallen trees, loose wires, or broken boards on or around your fence area. Quickly repairing your fence will keep your horses safe and reduce further damage to your property. Doing weekly inspections of fence lines and gates is a great way to practice horse farm maintenance.
3.Limit Horse Access to Riparian Areas
If you have a pond or stream on your horse property, you may want to limit horse access around your riparian zone. This area is the immediate zone between the land and the water source. It contains very rich and healthy soil for lush green plant growth, and it adds to the aesthetic value of your horse property. Use fencing to protect the riparian area. Horses should be allowed to graze in this area only for a short period and follow rotational grazing to improve its quality.
4.Reduce Mosquitoes and Bugs
Swallows feed on thousands of insects every day. Using birdhouses to encourage Swallows to reside on your property is a practical way to reduce the bug population. Mosquitoes can cause fatal diseases in horses. A simple solution to reducing mosquitoes is to prevent accumulated water on your horse property at all costs.
5. Invest in Quality Horse Housing
Investing in a high-quality barn can boost the value of your property and enhance the living conditions of your horses. A shedrow barn with an overhang has many benefits and is great for warmer climates. Your horses will be protected from the elements and have ventilation and shade on the hotter days.
Making some quick and easy investments and improvements into your horse property will only benefit you in the long run. Your horses will be satisfied, and when it comes time to sell, you will have no problem receiving high offers.
At Deer Creek Structures, you have the option of customizing a barn that will fit your needs. Whether a shedrow barn with an overhang to increase property value or a portable barn for horse boarding, we can meet your requirements. Call (254) 546-2276 to discuss your options and begin the necessary improvements for your horse property.