Lots of tender care is surely given to your precious animal, but don’t forget to tidy up around the barn as well! It’s easy to overlook some simple, but very fundamental and helpful things, when taking care of a horse. Just like us, horses need their surroundings to be in a certain condition as well.
– Replace the top soil if you have a dirt floor in the barn. This is easily one of the most overlooked aspects of maintaining a barn. Manure, dust, and chaff can build up in the dirt and retain moisture. Reduce the smell and buildup of moisture by scraping off the top layer of dirt and replacing it with fresh top soil.
– Check the drainage system for clogs. Your horse will not appreciate something backing up from the drain, especially during the wet season!
– Have the right tools for the job at hand. A simple broom won’t cut it for the task you have in front of you. Make sure to have a wheelbarrow, shovels, wide floor push brooms, and gloves. Invest in large, rubber mats to place on the ground when you’re cleaning off your horse, as they are both easy to clean and reduce the amount of spillage on the floor.
– Keep the horse active. By getting your horse outdoors every single day you can greatly reduce the amount of cleaning you have to do in the stall. Exercise is good for a variety of reasons, but it can save you cleaning hassles, too.