Understanding the Importance of Regular Horse Barn Maintenance

Taking care of horses requires a focus not only on their health and well-being but the environment in which they live. The horse barn, acting as the home for your equine friends, plays a pivotal role in their overall safety and happiness. Just as a house requires regular maintenance to stay in good shape, so… Read more »

Pest Control Tips for Your Chicken Coop

A chicken coop is a haven for your feathered friends, providing shelter, warmth, and security. However, it can also become a magnet for various pests if not properly maintained. Keeping a vigilant eye on pest control is crucial for your chickens’ health and your coop’s productivity. Here are some of the most common pests and… Read more »

Summer Horse Health Concerns

Summer is a beautiful season of warmth, green pastures, and long trail rides. However, as temperatures rise and days lengthen, these changes present unique health concerns for our equine companions. Knowing about potential horse health issues and how to prevent and treat them effectively is important! Here are a few health concerns to watch for… Read more »

How to Dress Up Your Horse Barn

If you own a horse barn, you know how much time you spend cleaning and caring for your space and animals. You should want your barn to look and feel unique and welcoming for the amount of effort you put in to keep it well-maintained. Add some love to your horse barn by decorating with… Read more »

The Benefits of Living on a Farm

Not everyone dreams of the perfect cookie-cutter home with a white picket fence and two cars in the driveway. As a society, we are conditioned to believe that finally checking into the life of suburbia means you’ve made it in this world, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. From the stacked apartment buildings… Read more »

4 Stall Cleaning Tips Every Horse Owner Should Know

Owning and caring for a horse is a wonderful, enriching experience! In addition to developing a special relationship with your animal, you’ll also learn how to handle the responsibility of managing another creature’s well-being. One of the primary duties every equine caretaker must take on is maintaining a clean and orderly stall. Ensuring your horse… Read more »

Tips to Prepare Your Horse for Spring

With warmer temperatures approaching quickly, it’s time to prepare your horses for the spring season! From longer rides, work in the pasture, and traveling, your animals need time to adjust to their new busy schedules that the warmer months bring. Here are a few tips to prepare your horse for transitioning into a new season!… Read more »

6 Ways to Use a Portable Cabin

There are a lot of advantages to adding portable structures to your property. Portable buildings offer flexibility, are customizable, and provide more functional space for less money than the cost of building a whole new structure from the ground up. If you’re looking for something simple, rustic, and spacious, a portable cabin is one of your best… Read more »

How You Can Safely Light Your Horse Stable

Lighting is an important aspect of housing horses. Your horses’ stable, including stall, aisle, and storage areas, should be well-lit, and all electrical systems should be secure. This is for your own sake as well as your horses’—stables and barns should be safe for all who enter them! Here’s how to light your horse’s stable… Read more »

Horse Riding Tips for the Winter

As much as the romantic scene of riding a horse while the snow is falling around you can be appealing, it also happens to be one of the more dangerous times of year to be riding horses. While all bundled up, the snow and white scenery may be beautiful and peaceful, but the ground conditions… Read more »